Sunday, August 26, 2007

On a need to tell basis

I think I should come clean about something right away, I was born with a mood disorder that has been much commented on along the years (but not really understood), it goes by the name of "Bipolar Disorder" and it can be a bitch if it wants to. It's not the case with me, but I do understand those who suffer from it to such an extent that the separation between self and illness can be too blurry, I've been there, that's how I know. The agony and the ecstasy of living can be so much more pronounced in some human entities than in others. My advice? Embrace it, it's you, you're not it! We are just the way our genectic history made us, aside from environmental and cultural adaptations, there's no escaping it. Really, think about it, can anyone go against their true nature? As long as you take good care of yourself and your mood swings don't interfere negatively in your everyday life, than I can honestly say that you were born with the BEST illness in the entire universe and that you should let all that sound and fury in your head take you to that higher ground so few mortals can reach. Enjoy!

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