Monday, August 27, 2007

Oh Brother! (in law)

What a crappy morning... Sometimes I wonder if what's wrong with this world isn't directly related to the so called 'normal people'. Sometimes I'm sure of it. I'll elaborate. For some time now I've been having problems with the upstairs neighbours, don't really know what's the matter with those imbeciles, but it sounds like they're gonna come crashing through the ceiling, plus they've got a kid that enjoys bouncing something heavy and apparently solid just above my head and I could just giddily snap his little neck. Now, his precious mother, upon a very reasonable request for some silence responded as this: "My boy will play anyway he wants. I am a decent woman, I don't drink and I don't smoke", what the hell is that supposed to mean? Thanks to whatever force in this world (probably myself) I learned to hold my tongue - even though it doesn't always work. So after a lot of fighting I can't say it's all better, but it sure has improved. Now, on the other hand, I've got my highly disturbed brother-in-law, who - get this - actually managed to get addicted to pot... Well it wouldn't be that bad if he had adhered to the Tribes of Peace, but it's not the case he's the world's most high strung stoner. And my new noise maker. My mood is reactive, so it doesn't really help me to wake up to total chaos just because he ran out of weed. Maybe if he got a job things like this wouldn't happen. Of course it would be great if he decided to get a job to help out my sister with the bills and not only to get high. But what do I know about love, right? For years people have been telling me that I'm emotionally unavailable and super selfish. Now, anyone - in their right mind - gets pissed off upon waking up to really unreasonable noise. Granted, even the super patient. In therapy I learned that only the meds weren't gonna cut it, I needed peace and stability in my life, in my environment. Most of it is up to me, but some of it has to be taken on by those who live with me and are a part of my life. It ticks me off that people can claim to care about you and then turn around and be completely oblivious and disrespectful to your needs. What am I up to now? I'm locked in my room, listening to music and drinking some coffee (ok, a LOT of it). How healthy is that? At least I'm not disturbing the disturbed...

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